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May-September 2018: Meetings and Rehearsals of Iannis Zannos with Jun Takahashi and Asayo Hisai in Tokyo.  Evaluation of first prototype (wifi-based Adafruit Huzzah unit).
October-December 2019: First rehearsals in Athens, Iannis Zannos with Tasos Pappas-Petrides and Vaso Florou, using Adafruit Huzzah based prototype for sensors.


March 23, 2019: First telematic performance between 3 cities, presented at Linux Audio Conference 2019 (LAC19). Performers: Iannis Zannos (Stanford, Palo Alto, CA, USA, at CCRMA LAC19 venue), Natali Mandila (Garage 21, Corfu) and Tasos Pappas-Petrides with Vaso Florou (National School of Dance Art, Athens)
May 30, 2019: Demo performances in Jerusalem at Musrara festival of the Naggar Academy of Media Art and Culture (with Iannis Zannos and Natali Mandila) and in Athens at Television Control Center (KET) (with Tasos Pappas-Petrides) using prototype 2 based on Raspberry Pi zero. 
December 2019: Rehearsals for Tokyo local premiere at TAMA Art Festival (Iannis Zannos,


January 12, 2020: Premiere local performance of IDE-Fantasy as Duo at TAMA Music Festival, Meisei University. Dancers: Jun Takahashi, Asayo Hisai.
September 2020: Rehearsals with Jun Takahashi and Asayo Hisai. Trying out chaotic synthesis algorithms by Takumi Ikeda.


Switch to prototype 3 of sensors (current prototype).  Arduino-based unit using XBee wireless mesh communication protocol. Continued preparation work in Corfu with Greek team. Technical trial performances between Sapporo (Ebetsu, Ooasa) and Corfu (Garage 21 Peforming Arts Center) in September 11 and 14, 2021, in collaboration with Haruka Hirayama and Mituyo Hashida (Sapporo) and Mary Randou and local team from Ionian University (Corfu).

JOURNAL: News & Updates
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